Dear Santa,
I've been good all year.... Most of the year...
I'll probably buy most of my presents this year.

Over the summer, my mom and I got hooked on this tv show called "A Haunting" on Discovery channel.
If you've never watched Big Bang Theory, you're truly missing out on something amazing. Four nerds plus one hot blonde = a hilarious contrast between geeky intellect and street smart.

Home , � HAIRCUT.


So I need a change and I've deliberated cutting my hair for quite some time now... For the entire Fall semester it seems, I have been thinking about trying a chin-length inverted bob (aka the posh hair style) but I've been too much of a wuss to take a leap of faith... I keep telling myself:
  • It grows back
  • It'll be much healthier
  • It'll look sleek & trendy
  • It'll go with my style
  • Just DO IT.

So this coming week, I hope to get it cut someday... Pics will be up eventually (that is I can get the nerve.) I mean, it's not a huge deal, really... It's just that hair takes a long time to grow and I'm afraid of looking awkward since I'm tall, but it's worth a shot and it's a lot less upkeep than blow drying my long tresses all the time... Wish me luck!

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